SILICON: The Word of the Month January 2012

Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.


Silicon a chemical element, often used as a semi-conductor in microchips.

Silicone: a synthetic material with many uses, including breast implants and toilet joints.

Fake Tits: a Silicon-troversy

French company PIP used low-quality silicone for breast implants, causing potential health risks. The company is now out of business. R.I.P PIP.

The French government is willing to remove all PIP breast implants free of charge. DSK volunteers to supervise this process personally.

Silicon Facts

-‘Silly con Carne’ is a traditional Mexican meal served with tequila and black beans.

-Silicon is ‘Si’ on the periodic table of elements, right next to Gg(Gymglishium).

Notable Distinctions

Silicon Valley is the unofficial tech capital of the world, and home to Apple and Google.

Silicone Valley is an area in Malibu populated by huge-breasted blondes auditioning for Baywatch (Shh! It’s been off the air for 10 years).

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